Thursday, March 30, 2006

¼ de Vida

Si mis cálculos no me traicionan y la suerte me sonrie, entonces viviré hasta los 80. Eso significa que mañana, cuando cumpla 20 habré vivido la mitad de la mitad de mi vida: ¼ de vida.

A estas alturas, considerando que este es ¼ muy importante ya que define de cierta manera como seran los ¾ que siguen, se me hace imprescindible hacer un recuento, a ver si de historia en historia hallo un patrón de conducta que me permita determinar el curso de mi vida y decidir asi si darle pa' lante a ver que sale, o beberme una pastillita pa adentrarme en el mundo del más allá. Lo cierto es que por mucho que haya hecho y dejado de hacer y ahora me arrepienta, soy una narcisista empedernida y como tal, creo que no pude haber vivido ni haber sido mejor de lo que soy ahora. Sin embargo, a fin de conservar mi historia tan cercana a la verdad como es posible, seré (trataré de ser) imparcial y me limitaré a contar los hechos tal y como sucedieron (mas o menos).

Por ejemplo, podría comenzar diciendo que la primera decada de mi vida se caracterizó por amores platónicos que me ayudaban a dormirme de noche y campamentos de verano frustrantes jugando la botellita y verdad o reto, donde los muchachitos que me gustaban nunca me hacian caso y terminaban yendose con mi amiguita, o inventando bailes con la profe para presentarselos a los padres al final de la temporada.
En uno de esos campamentos de forma casual, como siempre pasa con las cosas significativas de la vida, descubrí mi pasión por la actuación. Yo tenía un papel insignificante en una obra que estabamos montando y un día, cuando el protagonista falto por una gripe, le roge a la profe que me pusiera a mi en sustitución. Está demás decir que la profe, que al principio no estaba convencida de ponerme a mi, una muchachita flakita y reservada sin personalidad aparente, al frente de la obra; sin embargo, tan pronto me vió en escena hizo un reajuste de los personajes y terminé yo siendo la protagonista, haciendo de un personaje masculino. Mi primer gran logro.
De hecho, siempre me crei especial (demasiado probablemente) cosa que nadie más notaba hasta que me ponía al frente y dejaba a todos boquiabiertos. Eso me enseñó que la gente no es muy perceptible.

En esos años también le declaré la guerra a mi hermanito, que habia nacido poco después de mi llegada aki y me habia desplazado de mi trono, situación que se mantiene aún, sin haber indicios de tratado de paz. También, me dediqué a jugar el escondido, yun, el topao y un sinnumero de juegos más que ocupaban mis tardes, ya que en mi casa nunca hubo telecable. Así, entre juego y juego, comencé a destacarme y al final, siempre todos se peleaban por tenerme en su bando. Todo esto, sumado a una infancia de mimos y halagos fue aumentando mi orgullo, hasta que su volumen fue tan grande que no cabia en mi diminuto cuerpo y me hizo crecer unos 3 cm por encima del carajito normal.

Más adelante, a principios de mi segunda década, como producto del inicio de la pubertad y de los cambios repentinos que pasaron en mi vida-nos mudamos de zona y cambie de colegio-me encerré en mi misma y la comida y engordé. Ahora ya nadie me decía que podía ser modelo, solo me decían que era inteligente. Así que eso hice, me dediqué a ser inteligente y ya. Como no conocía a nadie ni estaba interesada, me sobraba mucho tiempo, el cual dedique a leer todo tipo de literatura y a profundizar mis puntos de vista sobre la vida- estamos hablando de una bicha de 12 o 13 años-. Esto me ayudaría, más adelante a definirme mejor como persona y a organizar mis prioridades, en un ambiente donde nadie sabia ni quien era ni que quería. Así pase de ser solo inteligente a ser también madura, cosa que mi precoz desarrollo corporal evidenciaba.

Luego, a partir de últimos 5 años y gracias a a la exposición a otras maneras de pensar además de algunos asuntos personales, tomé un giro de 180 grados y deje de ser la persona que habia sido hasta entonces: deje de tenerle miedo a la vida y -al principio en teoría luego en la práctica- comencé a arriesgarme. Deje atrás todo lo que consideraba un prejuicio e hice un esfuerzo en ver las cosas tal cual eran en vez de como las pintaban. Noté que pocas cosas en la vida eran tal cual nos habían enseñado, en blanco y negro, y que por el contrario las acciones más bien tenían tonos grises claros y oscuros dependiendo desde donde uno los observara. Comprendí que mi inmesurable orgullo, aunque a simple vista parecía la mejor opción, no lo era; al final, terminaba haciendome más perjuicio que beneficio. Lo corte por la mitad y me deshice del sobrante-más adelante me iria deshaciendo del resto, hasta quedarme solo con un poco, lo necesario-lo cual tuvo su repercusión en mi estructura haciéndome perder peso-cualquiera diria que fue la grasa lo que me hacia gorda, pero yo se que el en fondo, era más orgullo que masa.

De esta manera, para el último año escolar ya me estaba transformando en una persona distinta, no temía hablarle a las personas (al menos no tanto) y estaba comenzando a reconstruir mi vida social (o algo parecido). El cambio más grande fue en la transición del colegio a la universidad cuando gracias a los papitos sin camiseta que corrian todos los dias por el mirador me inspiré a hacer ejercicios y esto, sumado a la pena de un mal de amor que me kitó el hambre, rebajé en unos 3 meses unas 30 lb.

Cuando entré a la uni, ya era otra persona (al menos mentalmente). Desde entonces me he dedicado, con cierto éxito gracias a las pocas exigencias de mi carrera, a moldearme de acuerdo a como pienso y aunque en el proceso he perdido alguna que otras cualidades, estas han sido sustituidas por otras mejores, asi que en sentido general, el cambio ha sido para bien (por fortuna, tengo una visión sumamente optimista de la vida).

He hecho las paces con el espejo y las cámaras, depues de una vida de pleitos, y estos acordaron plasmar una imagen más acorde a como soy y aunque a veces me hacen una que otra trastada, en general ya somos amigos.

Por otra parte, he conocido todo tipo de personas y debo decir, estoy fascinada con los humanos-como si yo fuera extraterrestre (aunke a decir verdad, a veces creo serlo)-y con las cosas que hacen. He amado, me han herido; he herido y he hecho una que otra travesuras de las cuales estoy un tanto orgullosa y que imagino harán excelentes historias cuando escriba el libro de mi vida. Más que eso, he llegado al fondo de mi ser y he descubierto que no existe (el fondo, no mi ser); he descubierto mis flaquezas y mis debilidades y he hecho uso de mis fortalezas. Estoy tomando mi vida y llevandola a mi manera y aunque rara vez las cosas salgan como espero, estoy orgullosa por que puedo hacer, puedo sentir: Puedo Vivir.

Mi cumpleaños lo voy a celebrar mañana. Primero cenaré con mi familia ( donde de seguro me darán los respectivos consejos para el futuro y los reconocimientos por el pasado) y luego me juntaré con mis amigos en un Bar a beber, a bailar y a pasarla bien celebrando mi presencia (ke modesta, eh?). Invité a todos los que kiero que estén alla y aunque estoy segura que no todos asistirán, me conformaré con pensar que ellos deserían haber estado presentes - gracias a Dios por mi optimismo.

Voy a pasar todo el día feliz y animada por que pienso que así como termina y comienza un capítulo, así ha de seguir, y como supersticiosa que soy, me voy a esmerar en comenzar los 20 de la mejor manera posible para aumentar las probabilidades de que el segundo cuarto de vida sea incluso mejor que el primero. Voy a comprar un bizcocho y 20 velas (25 mejor, por si alguna se daña) y voy a pedir un deseo por cada vela que apague.

Trataré de vivir el día de mañana como si fuera el último, así cuando me acuerde de las fechas especiales recordaré mis 20 años como la más y sonreiré. Finalmente, tomaré algun momento para mi, en el fin de semana, y pensaré en todo lo que he logrado y lo ke me falta y en las cosas que quiero para el próximo cuarto de vida. Aspiraré profundo y me prepararé, para encarar de frente y con la cabeza en alto todo lo que me espera, por que después de todo, la vida es una sola y a mi aun me queda muuuucho por vivir.

30 marzo 2006

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Day 3

She couldnt help it. She did it. She called. She asked for another chance, she apologized. He accepted the apology but wouldnt take her back. He didnt love her anymore. He just didnt care.
She took a deep breath, swallowed her pride and say:
-Give me 3 hours. Let me show you how much I care.
He was sckeptical about it but still he said yes. He hadnt learned how to say no to her. Not yet.

She lightened some canddles. She spreaded some roses: the same roses he gave her, the ones she was keeping to remind him.

He was a little scared. He's always considered she was impredictable, almost scary. He pictured a darker side of her: a sacrifice ritual- he tought, and pictured himself tied to the bed with her on top, dressed in leader, high pointed black heels, a wip in one hand and a dagger in the other making him prey for his life, for her forgiveness.

It didnt happen that way. She was quiet, submissive; she wouldnt take the first step. She sat down, after everything was prepared and waited for him to lead.

He had her. She was in pain but still she told him to go on. He did, as gently as he could, looking her straight in the eyes enjoying himself secretly in her face, in her eyes, in her breath. She was cozy, warm. Tight. He kept on looking at her as the pain was stepping back, giving place to pleasure. Her breath accelerated, her chicks blushed. She continuosly bit her lower lip trying to avoid the moans. Then, she couldnt avoid them anymore. She let herself go. She was enjoying it and he could see it, he could hear it, he could feel it.

After a while, they finished. She laid next to him hoping he would hug her and kiss her. He didnt. Instead, he turned on the TV and complained about the movie that was coming to the end and he couldn't see. She rearranged her position so he wouldn't see she was sad. He went to asnwer his cellphone and when he came back, he found her laying on her chest, looking at the last canddle that was left on.

-What's wrong?
-Nothing-she lied-Im just more comfortable this way.

She laid there for another couple of minutes as the light of the last canddle faded away. When it did she stood up, took her clothes and got dressed. She didn't say another word. She kissed him good night and went home as her heart filled in with nostalgia and her eyes filled in with tears.

Their last night was over and from then on she would have to get used to watch days go by and watch her life run out without her she always has.

march 28, 2006

Friday, March 24, 2006

Day 1

Falling for people sucks!. She wrote this on a piece of paper at work, when she had nothing to do. Its been a horrible day. Unstandable.
She's been thinking all day and that's no good to her. Not now.
She's been reminiscing; the fun they had, the things she loved about him, the ones he loved about her. She's not so sure it was the best choice. She misses him. A lot. But she can't tell. Not him, not anyone.

She considers calling. But no, she can't. She hopes he does. He won't either. She hates the fact that she misses him a lot and she hates even more that he doesn't. There's so many questions. Why didn't he say something? She never liked to leave things unsaid but apparently that was the way to proceed in those cases.

She has to find something to do tonight. Watch a movie, go out. She can't stay home. She has to stop thinking. If she doesn't she might regreat what she did...
...and that's the worst thing that could happen...

7:30 pm
march 24, 2006

Thursday, March 16, 2006


She s laying on her bed. She keeps on imagining his hands on her waist, his breath on her neck, his lips on her back. She s never felt them, but now she knows she never will.

He didnt do much: forgot to call, didnt say something or said the wrong thing. However, to her, these are the most important things, so she always makes a big deal.

She s not overreacting, she knows. It might seem like it. But, its not. Small things always lead to bigger ones.

Her eyes are glowing. She's sad. She didnt want to do it, but it was the best thing.... she hopes.

She didnt mean to. Not that way. It just....happened. It started as a game and, suddenly, it became a serious issue. She had seen a couple of girlfriends, very close ones, in that position. It would always break her heart when everyone gave their backs to them when they needed them the most. She thought the problem was her girlfriend's friends, but his answer proved her wrong. It was everyone.

Thats why she got mad. She wasnt asking for a commitment. She just wanted him to be there.

He didnt get it. At first, he took it as a game, like he always did. Then, after a while, he started getting tired, as she wouldnt give it up. He started realizing there was too much to fight about and so little time to enjoy. Later on, as she would insist with her madness, he began to notice it was just too much to take. It wasnt worth it.

He remembered then, as his mind was preparing to drop and move on, that he was a great catch. Its not that he was proud, he just knew there werent many like him and he had what it took. He proved it a thousand times.

However, it was never enough for her. She always wanted more and was never convinced. She wanted devotion, sacrifice, submission. Thats what it took to get inside her.

Of course she knew it was too much to ask and almost impossible to get. But there was no other way. She couldnt give herself to anyone. It had to be special; it had to be The one.

As she sees the end comming, she sighs. Its not the time yet. She has to wait more.

The problem is those crazy voices that come from time to time to tell her she s wrong-"you ask for too much, and for that you are going to be alone for the rest of your life; Why do you think it never lasts with you? You are not as good as you think. Thats why they all get tired of you. They always will". She hates them. She wonders where are the other voices, those who stood up for her: -"You dont need anyone. You are happy the way you are. Having someone is just a pain in the ass. You are great, it just takes a greater person to see it"-. She hadnt known anything about them for around 2 years now. She misses them.

"Fine-she says- I ll play your way". She's talkin to God-or whatever that rules Destiny and faith (she believes in this stuff).-"I wont make assumptions, I wont judge. I know now how things are different when you are in and out of the story.I wont deny what I feel, I wont try to change myself just to be the opposite of the prototype. I ll just be me. I promise.-she stops. Takes a deep breath-Now, you have to promise something too. Stop playing with me. Its not fun. Dont tempt me. Dont put things I cant have in front of my eyes. Dont give me hopes on things that arent meant for me. Please."-No answer.

Ok. So she decides. She'll hang on. She'll do what it takes. Screw the voices. If she's meant to be alone, then so be it. It's all for a better purpose (as she believes). It can't be that bad. After all, she has many things to do and so little time. So, bring it on. She's down for it.

Its ironic though, how things always happen: when she s ready it wont come, when she not it's at her door.

march 23 2006

Sunday, March 12, 2006


You wanted to know who was he, where did I met him and how long ago it happened, but I didnt tell you. I guess I was afraid it would open a wound that hasnt closed yet and make me vulnerable. It wont. So I am going to tell you now.

It was the person I was with before being with you. You know him, we worked together.

I cant explain how it happened. I just know, I decided back then that in the next (pseudo) relationship I d get involved in, I d give it all; I would say what I thought, I would do what I wanted, and I would express what I felt. And I did.

I gotta say, it started casually, like a fling. Something to have fun with. There was no one to look at and no one to think about, so I took a comment he said (as sick as I am) and made a reason of it to occupy my mind.

As I promised, I told him what I thought. He liked the idea. We started hanging out. It was fun, I had a good time, but I wasnt feeling anything. I could tell he was, by the constant attention he gave me and the things he said but those things would only freak me out and make me think about what should I say or do to break it up.

I didnt break it. When I confronted myself on that matter, I decided for once, I wouldnt run away, I wouldnt freak out. Instead, I d let myself go. I d let myself FEEL.

I knew he wasnt good enough, I knew I could do better but I didnt listen to reasons this time. I promised I wouldnt.

I forgot he wasnt my type and how would people see me if I was with him. Instead, I focused on us, on him, on me; trying to get as deep as I could in search of a feeling. With time, I managed not to care that we were together all the time, I actually started to like it. It seemed to be heading to something good as I was managing to achieve what I proposed: I was opening myself.
Then she came. I knew he was attracted to her. I was too. I even arranged a couple of things between them. I trusted him. I thought what we had was strong and it would take a lot to break it.

It didnt. It only took a couple of drinks and my absence to be performed in front of the expecting audience.

I found out a couple of days later. Someone at work said something, but I still didnt get it-I ve always been extremely stupid when it comes to those things-. I had to hear it from her mouth, as she was bragging about it. I swallowed, took a deep breath and posponed it for later. I had work to do.

I bumped into him at school that same day
-Hey, where u going?
-To the library, I gotta buy some books
-Can I join u?
-Sure, I need to talk to you about something.
-So, what is it you wanted to say?
-mmm...did you..
Did you think I d never found out?

It all followed as a rail of explanaitions and excuses I already knew and expected. "Im sorry", "I didnt know", "I wish I didnt"...

I didnt care about it that much, honestly. To me, sex is just sex and it seemed like what we had was much more important. Besides, I knew that I havent had done it because I didnt have an interesting candidate for it and I assumed it would happen sometime, so I d had this like an excuse.

I didnt think about it that much either, it wasnt that much of a big deal. The way I saw it, she hated me-still dunno why-and she just did it to hurt me. So I did what I thought she wouldnt expect me to do. I stayed with him. We came back to work and pretended nothing ever happened. Except...

Something did happen. After that, it all started falling apart. I wasnt me anymore neither was he. What we had was turning into this charade where the acting part was becoming harder to be performed eachtime.

I still hung on. I wouldnt give up that easily. I took it all out and I even cried once (I had never cried before for someone else in my life). It still didnt make any difference. I tried everything I could, to take away the pain, and it still would remain, bigger and stronger.

Things at work started to get unstandable and, when everyone started to quit-specially my 2 favorite people from there- it just got worse. So I decided to quit, appealing to the argument that they were just demanding too much, I didnt have time for school and it was just no fun anymore. I conviced myself -and others- of that and I quitted.

However, I couldnt take it away. It would hunt me all the time, making a misery of my life. I couldnt talk to anyone about it, because I was embarrased, so I had to pretend everything was fine, and if anyone asked, I d just say I was tired.

I spent a couple of months in this, going in and out of this thing that had already became an obsession. I didnt care about me, about others, I just wanted him.

Everytime I d fall back to it, I felt great at the moment; I was reliving each feeling I had with such intensity I felt I couldnt take it sometimes. But then afterwards, it would all go back to the same.
I tried to find something to do, not to think. I tried to find someone new, to replace him. I couldnt. No matter how busy was I, it was always in my mind and no matter who I found, it just wasnt good enough for me.

I was desperate and confused and I couldnt tell anyone about it.

Then, after a while, when comming back and forth was almost a rutine, something happened. Something inside me woke up and started to give me strenght to go on by myself. It hurt and I fell back a couple of times more, but when I stood up, I was stronger.

Afterwards, I put myself together, realized I didnt need anyone and prepared to go on with this journey on my own, like I always have...

I was enjoying myself, finding me after being lost for so long and loving every moment of it. I felt flattered if someone complimented me and I was starting to feel proud of myself again. But I still couldnt talk about it. It still had an effect on me.

It doesnt now. Not anymore. I ve fought my demons and I think I ve won. At least they wont bother me for a while.

Meanwhile, Im still enjoying myself and everything that comes. Im more open to people and the way I feel about them and wouldnt care tryin again with someone else...

...After all "what doesnt kill me makes me stronger" and if there s something I know for sure, its that it will take a goddamn lot to make this little bitch give up and quit everything she s fought for! :P

2:30 am
Monday, 13 march 2006

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Mi punto de equilibrio

(porque cuando el alma llora el corazón poetiza
pero si el alma está feliz el corazón no tiene prisa)

Hay un lugar escondido
entre mi anatomía y cupido
que soporta mis flaquezas
y me guía con destreza
hacia mi objetivo final.
Que controla mi cordura
que me lleva a la locura
sin tener yo forma alguna
de poderlo controlar.

Es mi punto de equilibrio
que agudiza mis sentidos
que aumenta mis latidos
y me hace delirar.

Porque yo soy todo y nada
y así son mis palabras
aunque tenga muchas ganas
no me atrevo a declarar
que te quiero y te deseo,
que te extraño y te anhelo
y aunque tu seas sincero
no lo puedo evitar.

Eso si, no me provoques
tu bien sabes como soy
si me llamas no contesto
si me buscas no estoy.

Dame alas, dilo todo
quiero ser tuya,
pero a mi modo.
No tengas miedo
no te haré daño
yo sí te quiero
aunque parezca extraño.

Dale sentido a mis palabras
toma mis manos, mirame y, Habla!
dime lo que sientes
házmelo saber
no ves que después de todo
sí soy una mujer?

Hazme una promesa
y cumple tu palabra,
dame una sorpresa
que me deje sin habla;
vamos, vamos HAZLO!
que mi corazón no tarda
en tomar una decisión,
en darte mi alma
pues la suma de mis miedos
menos todas mis certezas
da mi punto de equilibrio
y calcula tu destreza
y me hace comprender
entre datos y simplezas
que se siente con el corazón
y no con la cabeza.

Jueves, 9 marzo 2006

Monday, March 06, 2006

4 roses

4 roses was all it took to win her over. One rose for every part he wanted: one for her eyes, one for her smile, one for her body and one for her soul. She didnt even fight it. She gave herself up and forgot about consequences.

As she was molding herself to be for him, he got scared. She was too much. Overwhelming.

She noticed but didnt say anything. He would deny it. She kept on, hoping her obsessive devotion would compensate for his lack of commitment.

He stepped back. Looked her in the eye and, all of the sudden, he forgot what was that he wanted from her. He only remembered her body, and he already had it.

He took it one last time, as she intended to capture him with it, to later on give him, a bit at a time, pieces of her, so that he would have her completely. It didnt work. He was blocked and his mind couldnt see more than a source of pleasure concealed in a body he remembered he once fancied.

He finished his journey and laid next to her. Her eyes were lost. His were too.

-I......I gotta go-he said-I have....something to do tomorrow-. She closed her eyes. -Are you ok? is there something wrong?-. She noded.

-Ok then, I ll see you later. Take care.

As the door closed, she opened her eyes. The mirror would reflect the image of a souless body.
She wispered as she incorporated and looked around the room. -Where did I left them?- she thought.

She stood up and went to get the roses. She came back and laid down pressing them against her chest.

The roses fell apart. As she and him did.

12:31 am
Tuesday, march 6 th 2006