Friday, April 01, 2005

My first year as a grown up (flash back)

So I am already 19 years old. I´ve already spent my first year as an adult and I must admit it was quite interesting. I shall begin with the first thing I did as an adult: I pierced my tongue. It was something I wanted to do for a while and I figured it was the perfect opportunity to do it. Not just because it was almost holy week so I could spend my time away from home until the swelling was less evident, but especially because it symbolized I was in charge of my life and it was up to me what I d do with it. It does sound stupid and immature, but at that time I felt the need to reassure that somehow. After that it all kind of started going on the same direction: things I´ve never done before. From all my life- which is not much, but for starters I think its ok- this was the most exciting and unusual year. From having a whole bunch of new friends to meet a guy who had some monkey business going on, to have one of my friends dad after me and dating people I didnýt even know. And that´s just the beginning. What about me going to Bonches (Raves), meeting people who would stick in just a weekend or even a night pills from A to Z and drink bottles of rum, vodka or whisky? But the most amazing part of this year was realizing I didn´t know myself as well as I always thought I did. Who would have thought I actually had feelings? Even more, who would have imagined I could be Sweet and sensitive instead of cold and mean? I surely didnýt see that coming, so it really shocked me when I noticed I might have actual feeling inside (very deep inside though) and even the ability to let them out sometimes. On the other hand, how the hell did I pass from being a self absorbed bitch- which is the general impression I gave to people, besides of being a nerd- to be a nice, sometimes shy but fun and adventurous girl who´s trustable, responsible and not that self involved as I might seem- about the nerd part, I´m still trying to figure it out: I guess it depends on the way itýs seen. There are several things I have to go deeper about this year, but for now, that´ll be it. Later, I´ll talk about my relationships, sexual preferences and funny flings but for now remember that "The perfect age is somewhere between old enough to know better and too young to care". Me, I try to keep that in mind, what about you?
1:16 pm
Friday April 1st, 2005.