Unfaithful: The pool party

I was talking to him when she came, whispered something in his ear and left. I noticed it was something big, exciting maybe because his expression changed suddenly. I kept on talking to him, explaining some things he wanted to know about, but he wasn't paying attention anymore. He seemed to be thinking, reflecting about something, probably that thing she whispered.
After a short while she came back, interrupting us for the second time, whispered something to him again and went inside the house. She seemed rushed.
This time, 30 seconds after, he apologized to me and went inside the house too, like following her. I didn't know what she said to him but I figured it out when they came back out. I was in the pool.
"Go to the atic"- she whispered and left. He was talking to a friend but her comment deviated his attention.-Why would she tell me that? What does she want?- he wondered, while his friend kept on talking. He tried to forget about it for the moment and focus on what his friend was telling but she came back one more time and insisted on him to go.
He apologized to his friend and went to see what was that she wanted him for in the atic. When he got there she flung to him, kissing and touching his body.
He was confused-alcohol had started to make an effect on his head- but he incorporated quickly and began to do the same things to her. He was putting aside her bra and caressed her nipples as she put in her hand down his shorts to masturbate him. Then, he took down his shorts, took off her bathing suit and penetrated her right there, agaist the door of the atic down the pool party.
It didn't last long. The alcohol and the excitement created by the voices comming from upstair made him cum inside of her shortly. Then they dressed, came up and incorporated to the party like nothing ever happened. It all lasted 8 minutes.
When I saw him comming out of the house shortly followed by her, I realized what she was whispering him minutes ago. He came back, asked for a drink and got in the pool. Ten minutes later, his girlfriend arrived.
As he finished his drink he saw his girlfriend comming in and he turned pale. He realized what he had done.
He saw her greeting everybody and asking for the food and drinks. She would always pretend like she didn't care about him, though she already saw him in a glance. She took off her clothes and joined a group of people that were jumping off a wall in the pool. She jumped in the pool and began to swim , wondering why hadn't he come to be with her.
I saw her acting like he wasn't there and I assumed she was mad at him. Then I remembered she was acting like that because she wanted him to come to her, she always did. After a while he did but didn't spend much time with her. Instead, he just went out the pool and joined his friends, the ones playing Domino aside.
She was talking to a girl when she saw a sign she didn't fully get, but was enough to realize there was something that didn't fit, though she didn't know what was it. He brought the other girl a towel and wrapped her into it, hugging her. She sensed it was not right, but she couldn't explain how.
When I saw him hugging that girl I could have bet his girlfriend realized what had happened. I was surprised he did that and could see the girlfriend's face filling up with confusion and anger. Poor girl. I knew that would explode in her face sooner than later. And it did. 3 days later, at work.
She got upset with him but still gave him a ride. In the car they talked and he explained himself and she thought it was reasonable. They made out to make up and she left. As she was driving home, she felt something wasn't right but rejected the feeling. She didn't know 3 days after her worst fear would be confirmed and would change, whether she wanted it to or not, her work, her love, her Life.
11:27 pm
May 28, 2006